Confirming the Chart for Colorimetry

In the Colorimetry section, use the charts with various paper sizes and various color boxes to measure the colors generated by the printer.

Confirming the Chart for Colorimetry

  • On the list of charts for colorimetry, IT8.7-3, IT8.7-4/ IT8.7-4 Random, IT8.7-5/ TC1617, ECI2002/ ECI 2002 Random, Idealliance Control Strip 2009, Idealliance Control Wedge 2014, and other charts for colorimetry are registered. Use one of the charts on the list when measuring the target color in the standard that you want to comply with.
  • When using a color chart with a customized color scheme, create the color chart information file, a text file that specifies the paper size and color boxes on the chart, and register it on the list. For details, see RICOH Auto Color Adjuster: User Guide.

To confirm the chart for colorimetry:

  1. Click Colorimetry on your computer.Click [Colorimetry]
  2. Select the checkbox of the chart for colorimetry, and then click the Information button (Information button).Selecting the chart and clicking the Information button
  3. Confirm the chart for colorimetry.Confirming the chart for colorimetry