Registering the PDF File for the Chart to the DFE

Register the PDF file for printing the chart used by the Quick Color Adjustment to the DFE as a job.

  • Keep USB flash memory devices out of reach of children. If a child accidentally swallows an USB flash memory device, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. On the Initial Settings page, select the chart, and then select Details. The Details dialog is displayed.
    1. If two or more paper types are registered for a printer, confirm the combination of Machine Name and Paper Name in the Details dialog, and select the correct one on the Initial Settings page.
    2. In the Details dialog, check the Profiling Chart ID and the Color Verification ID.Details dialog
      • Profiling Chart ID: Used for color adjustment.
      • Color Verification ID: Used for color verification.
    3. Select Close.
  2. Open the C:\RicohAutoColorAdjuster\ReferenceChart\profile_A3 folder.
    • When 101 or more color charts are registered, decompress in the qca folder in the provided USB flash memory.
  3. Register the PDF file of the Profiling Chart ID that you checked in step as a job.
  4. Open the folder C:\RICOHAutoColorAdjuster\ReferenceChart, and then open the folder of the color verification standard to be used.
    • analysis_Fogra_A3: Open this folder when ISO12647-8 Coated V3 is selected for Color Verification in the Add/Edit Chart dialog.
    • analysis_GRACoL_A3: Open this folder when Verify GRACoL 2013, Wedge is selected for Color Verification in the Add/Edit Chart dialog.
    • analysis_JC_A3: Open this folder when JC Digital, Wedge is selected for Color Verification in the Add/Edit Chart dialog.
    • analysis_Fogra_2021_A3: When ISO12647-8:2021 Coated V3 is specified in Color Verification on the Add/Edit Chart dialog.
    • analysis_SimpleGrayScale_A3: When Simple Gray Scale, Wedge 2013 is specified in Color Verification on the Add/Edit Chart dialog.

    When 101 or more color charts are registered, decompress one of the following files in the qca folder in the provided USB flash memory.

    • When ISO12647-8 Coated V3 is selected for Color Verification in the Add/Edit Chart dialog.
    • When Verify GRACoL 2013, Wedge is selected for Color Verification in the Add/Edit Chart dialog.
    • When JC Digital, Wedge is selected for Color Verification in the Add/Edit Chart dialog.

  5. Register the PDF file of the Color Verification ID that you checked in substep 1.2 as a job.
    • For the registration procedure, see the user documentation of your DFE.