Checking the Change in Color over Time

On the Management Console page, you can check the change in color over time. To check the most recent status of a printer, perform color verification of Quick Color Adjustment, and then open the Management Console page.

For details about color verification, see Verifying Colors.

To check the change in color over time:

  1. Check the IP address and port number of the server.
    1. If the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster application is not displayed, double-click the RICOH desktop icon (RICOH icon) to start it.
    2. In the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster dialog, select the Settings button (Settings button).
    3. In the left pane of the Settings dialog, select Auto Color Adjuster Server Settings.
    4. Check the IP Address and the Port Number.
      • You can use Management Console from a computer on the network. In the web browser, enter the IP address and port number of the computer that is connected to the machine via two USB cables. For information about the computer that can be used, see RICOH Auto Color Adjuster: Installation Guide.
      • When you are operating more than one machine and using a client computer, consult the administrator for the IP address and port number of the server.
  2. Start your web browser, and enter the IP address and port number in the address bar.
    • Enter the IP address and port number using the https://(IP Address):port number format. Do not omit the colon (:) or period (.). However, if the port number is 80, you can omit the colon (:) and the port number.
  3. Enter the user name and password.
    • The default user name and password are as follows:
      • User name: aca-user
      • Password: user
    The Management Console page is displayed, and you can view the graph that reflects the following settings:
    • Location: All
    • Printing condition: The chart specified in Initial Settings
    • Date Range: seven days ago to today
    • Change View: Model
  4. Select the period to view the graph in Date Range:, and then select Save.
  5. Select the Location:, Printing condition:, and Change View:.
    1. In the Location: field, specify the location in which the printer to check is located.
    2. In the Printing condition: field, specify the target condition (standard) against which to compare the colors.
    3. In the Change View: field, specify whether to display a graph for each printer model, or for each paper.
  6. To narrow down the printer or paper to display in the graph, in the left pane clear the checkboxes of the items you want to hide.
  7. Check the graph. For details about reading the graph, see Management Console Graph.
  8. To save a report file, select Export. For details about the items saved in the report, see Report Containing Graph Data.
    The values of each item for the displayed period are saved in CSV format.
  9. Close the web browser.