Criteria for Color Verification

During color verification, the average/maximum delta E values in color deviation are evaluated using the standard and the tolerance values specified by the selected color space. The color chart used in the evaluation is modified for use on the machine and does not guarantee conformance with various certification standards.

Region Color Chart Evaluated Item Color Space Tolerance
JA JC Digital, Wedge Average and Maximum ΔE00 Japan Color Coated 2011 Digital print certification
US Verify GRACoL 2013, Wedge Average and Maximum ΔE00

GRACoL 2013 Coated

GRACoL 2013 Uncoated

XCMYK 2017

GRACoL Digital Press Cert
EU ISO12647-8 Coated V3 Average and Maximum ΔE00





ISO 12647-8
EU ISO12647-8:2021 Coated V3

Average ΔE00 (without boundary patches)

95 % ΔE00 (without boundary patches)

CMY gray average ΔCh

CMY gray maximum ΔCh

Paper white ΔE00





ISO 12647-8
US Simple Gray Scale, Wedge 2013

K gray average w ΔL

K gray maximum w ΔL

CMY gray average w ΔL

CMY gray maximum w ΔL

CMY gray average w ΔCh

CMY gray maximum w ΔCh

GRACoL 2013 Coated

GRACoL 2013 Uncoated

XCMYK 2017

G7 Grayscale

The color deviation and verification result (OK/ NG) displayed in the Color Verification Results section might differ from the results obtained with a different colorimeter.