Verifying feature prerequisites

Before you install a new feature, make sure your system meets the minimum requirements.
  • Hardware requirements:
    • If you install the PDF Document Support feature, the RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat must run on a Windows computer. See RICOH ProcessDirector: Installing Document Processing Features, G550-20312, for hardware requirements.
  • Other hardware requirements:
    • A minimum of 16 GB available RAM is required when you are using one or more document processing features, for example:
      • AFP Support
      • PDF Document Support
      • Archive
      • Automated Verification
      • Inserter
      • Postal Enablement
      • Preference Management

      Depending on the number of documents you process, you might need more RAM or free hard-drive space.

    • The RICOH ProcessDirector/opt file system:
      • Recommended size: 50 GB free space
      • Minimum size: 45 GB free space
    • The following features have more hardware requirements. These requirements are added to the requirements listed for the primary computer; they do not replace those requirements.
      • Advanced Transform feature
        • Minimum 1 GB more free hard-drive space allocated to the RICOH ProcessDirector/opt file system
        • Minimum 2 GB more free hard-drive space allocated to the /aiw/aiw1 file system
          • Large jobs sometimes require more RAM to process efficiently.
      • See Preparing to install Ricoh Transform features for the RICOH Transform features minimum system requirements.
  • Software requirements:
    • PitStop Connect

      Enfocus PitStop Server 10 or higher on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server.

    • Ultimate Impostrip® Connect

      Ultimate Impostrip® Automation or Scalable on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server or on a separate Windows system.

      • If your Windows computer runs in a language other than English, do not install Ultimate Impostrip® in the default install directory. The program does not work properly with non-English default install paths. We recommend installing Ultimate Impostrip® in C:\ImpostripOnDemand on non-English Windows computers.
    • Quadient Inspire Connect

      Quadient Inspire Designer V8 or higher.

    • The AFP Support feature includes RICOH Visual Workbench, a separate user interface that you can install on any Linux or Windows system in your network.

      Java 1.8 or later must be installed on the system that is used for RICOH Visual Workbench.

    • Avanti Slingshot Connect

      Avanti Slingshot with the JDF Integration add-on installed on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server.

    • FusionPro Connect

      FusionPro Server installed on an application server.