Uninstalling an application server

To uninstall an application server from a Windows computer:
  1. Log in to the application server as an administrator.
  2. If the application server is installed on a Windows 11 Pro computer, before uninstalling the application server, you must add an environment variable to run the uninstall script. To add the environment variable:
    1. Click the Windows Start button and type Control Panel.
    2. Click Control Panel.
    3. Go to System and click Advanced system settings.
    4. Click Environment Variables in the System Properties dialog.
    5. Click New in the System variables section.
    6. Enter JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS in the Variable name field.
    7. Enter "-Dos.name=Windows Server 2019" in the Variable value field.
    8. Click OK.
  3. Go to the directory where you installed RICOH ProcessDirector. If you accepted the default directory during installation, go to C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector.
  4. Go to _uninstall\ippds and run removeIPPDs.exe.
  5. Click Uninstall to start the uninstallation process.
    When the uninstallation is complete, you either see a message that the uninstallation was successful or a message that there were errors and the location of the error log file.
  6. Click Done.