Job sent using Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus

If you sent a job to RICOH ProcessDirector using Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus and it does not appear in the Jobs table, check these settings.
  • Make sure that the port number defined in the routing-control data set matches the port number defined in RICOH ProcessDirector.
  • On Linux, make sure that the MVSPRSD daemon is running.
    From a Linux command line, enter:
    ps -ef | grep mvsprsd
    If only the grep command is returned, the daemon is not running. Disconnect and reconnect the Download input device that you want to use.
  • On Windows, make sure that the MVSPRSD daemon is running:
    1. Open Task Manager.
    2. Click the Processes tab and sort the list by Image Name.
    3. Find the mvrsprsd.exe processes and see how many are running. There should be one for each Download input device that is connected. If there are fewer, disconnect and reconnect the Download input device that you want to use.
  • Verify that the resources required for the job are in the default resource directory or in a directory specified in the AFP resource path property.
    On Windows, if the Merge dataset property on the input device is set to Yes, check if the resource is located in the resource library. The resource library is specified in the destination control file, in the GLOBAL section for the resource context.

    • If the required external resource is not in the default resource library, move the resource there.

  • If the files are missing an inline form definition (FORMDEF) or other resource when they enter the input device, the submitted data files remain in the input device. You can find the files in the w directory of the input device, for example: C:\aiw\aiw1\System\dl\InputDevice\w (Windows) or /aiw/aiw1/System/dl/InputDevice/w (Linux).
    • Make sure that you remove these files and resubmit the job after the missing resource is placed in the resource library.
  • If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact your Ricoh support representative. They might ask for traces for the download input device. To enable traces on a download input device:
    1. In the C:\aiw\aiw1\bin\ (Windows) or /aiw/aiw1/bin/ (Linux) directory, open the script file.
    2. Uncomment this line by removing the # symbol at the beginning of the line.
      • #$extra_parm_string = $extra_parm_string eq '' ? "-t" : (join ' ', $extra_parm_string, "-t");
    3. Save the script file.
    4. Disconnect and reconnect the download input device.
      Tracing for the download input device is now enabled.
    5. Send a job to RICOH ProcessDirector using Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus again to create the log files. The log files are saved in the C:\aiw\aiw1\System\dl\InputDevice\w (Windows) or /aiw/aiw1/System/dl/InputDevice/w (Linux) directory.
    6. Find the log files and contact your Ricoh support representative.