Changing the sample DCF advanced information

If you use MVS Exit 15, understand that the predefined mvs_keywords are internally converted using MVS keyword internal conversions. To add lines to the DCF you will need to be aware of these internal mappings and what additional information your lines need to contain.

For example, the sample DCF contains the line:

DATACK=BLKPOS     :: data-fidelity-problem-reported=character
But, because in MVS keyword internal conversionsDATACK maps to -odatac, this line would produce the same results:
-odatac=blkpos    :: data-fidelity-problem-reported=character
When the MVS host actually sends -odatac=blkpos, this mapping statement is used. For information about the actual keywords that the MVS host sends, see Print Services Facility for z/OS: MVS Download, S544-5624, which you can download from the Ricoh website at$file/apsa000_v4r7.pdf.
Note: The mvs_definition (all of the information to the left of the control) is case-sensitive and must exactly match the information that comes from the host system for the mapping to be made.

Some parameter information is received from the MVS host as -o keywords and other information is received as sub-keywords of the -opa keyword. For example, CLASS information is received as -opa=class=xxx.

When the DCF is processed by an MVS Download receiver, the receiver looks at each mvs_keyword to determine if it will be received from MVS as a keyword or as a sub-keyword of the -opa keyword. The receiver tries to convert the specified mvs_keyword according to MVS keyword internal conversions. If the receiver does not find a mapping conversion for the specified mvs_keyword, the mvs_keyword is left unchanged. If the result of the conversion begins with -o, the receiver assumes that the mvs_keyword will be received as a keyword. If the result of the conversion does not begin with -o, the receiver assumes that the mvs_keyword will be received as a sub-keyword of the -opa keyword.

For example, the mvs_keyword SYSOUT is internally converted (according to MVS keyword internal conversions) to class. Since class does not begin with -o, the receiver assumes that class is a sub-keyword of the -opa keyword.

MVS keyword internal conversions

mvs_keyword MVS Values Passed to InfoPrint
ADDRESS1 -oaddress1
ADDRESS2 -oaddress2
ADDRESS3 -oaddress3
ADDRESS4 -oaddress4
CC -occ
CCTYPE -occtype
CHARS -ochars
CLASS class
COPIES -ocop
DATACK -odatac
DATATYPE -odatat
DEPT -ode
DEST destination
FCB -opagedef
FILEFORMAT -ofileformat
FILETYPE -ofiletype
FORMLEN -oformlength
FORMS forms
IPADDR -oipdest
JOBID jobid
JOBNAME -ojobn
NAME -ona
OFFSETXB -ooffxb
OFFSETXF -ooffxf
OFFSETYB -ooffyb
OFFSETYF -ooffyf
OUTBIN -ooutbin
OVERLAYB -oovlyb
OVERLAYF -oovlyf
PAGECNT -opagecount
PAGEDEF -opagedef
PRMODE -oprmode
PRTQUEUE -oprtqueue
ROOM -oro
SEGMENTID segmentid
SHEETCNT -osheetcount
SYSOUT class
TITLE -oti
TRC -otrc
UCS -ochars

MVS Exit 15 lets users add sub-keywords to the -opa keyword only. The mvs_keyword that would be used in the DCF is the (case-sensitive) sub-keyword only. For example, if an MVS Exit 15 added OUTGRP=n, where n was the number of the dataset in the job, and you wanted to map this value to the printer-pass-through=-opa=segmentid parameter (instead of the supplied mapping), you would replace the existing DCF mapping statement of:

SEGMENTID    :: -opa:segmentid
OUTGRP       :: -opa:segmentid

To add multiple sub-keywords to the —opa keyword using MVS Exit 15, each keyword/parameter pair must be delineated with a comma. It is highly recommended that you not use any blank spaces or tabs around the comma or around the "=" sign that you place between your generated sub-keyword and the parameter.

For more information, see Print Services Facility for z/OS: MVS Download or Print Services Facility for z/OS: AFP Download Plus, which you can download at$file/apsp000_v4r6.pdf.