The InfoPrint Manager Select for macOS creates a configuration file for each user
ID to store that user's settings. The file is generated the first time the Select
is invoked by each user if it does not already exist. The file is saved in the home
folder under opt/Ricoh/InfoPrint-Manager/config/<user>_select.conf
The configuration file
[User Preferences]
Notification Port=5157
Use default .att file=1
Default .att file=
[IPM Printers]
Show problem messages=0
[Submission Window]
[Job Recovery]
Pause jobs if submission fails=0
Suppress submission errors=1
The key settings are:
- Notification Port=5157 - Must be set to a unique port number if Notifications are
being used. If Select Notifications are not being used, it does not need to be changed.
- Suppress=1 - Suppresses the Job Settings Dialog.
- Suppress submission errors=1 - Suppresses error messages found during submission.
- Pause jobs if submission fails=0 - Optionally can set this to 1 to cause failed jobs
to be retained for re-submission by the administrator.