
  • To submit the PostScript file sample.ps to the logical printer named molly-lp, enter:

    For AIX

    enq -Pmolly-lp -odatat=ps /usr/lpp/psf/ps2afp/sample.ps

    For Windows

    pdpr -pmolly-lp  install_path\ps\sample.ps

  • To transform the PDF file myfile1 into an AFP data stream, and then submit it to the InfoPrint logical printer called robin-lp, enter:

    pdpr -p robin-lp -x "default-printer-resolution=300" myfile1


    pdf2afp -r300 myfile1 | pdpr -p robin-lp
    Note: You need to specify a resolution of 300 pels (default-printer-resolution=300 or -r300) because robin-lp routes jobs to a 4019 printer device. The 4019 printer is a 300-pel resolution printer, and the default resolution for the pdf2afp command is 300 pels.

    To transform the PostScript file myfile2 into an AFP data stream, with an image that is 8 inches high and 5 inches wide, and write the result to a file called myfile2.afp, enter:
    ps2afp -l 8i -w 5i -o myfile2.afp myfile2


    ps2afp -l 8i -w 5i myfile2 > myfile2.afp

  • To transform the PostScript file myfile2 into an AFP data stream, creating a compressed IO (IOCA) image (the default image type for the ps2afp command), and piping the result to the pdpr command to submit the file to the InfoPrint logical printer called molly-lp, enter:
    ps2afp myfile2 | pdpr -p molly-lp

    You can get the same result without piping (that is, using pdpr directly) by entering:

    pdpr -p molly-lp myfile2

  • To transform the PDF myfile1 file into an AFP data stream in 300-pel resolution, as an IO1_MMR image, and send the result to the printer with the pdpr command, enter:
    pdf2afp -aIO1_MMR -r300 myfile1 | pdpr -X myafp.X


    pdpr -X myps.X myfile1
    where the attributes file named myafp.X contains these settings:
    and the attributes file named myps.X contains these settings:

  • Assume that the PostScript file myfile2 uses the BarKode.pfa font that is a PostScript resource not installed for use by the ps2afpd on an AIX or Linux system named robin. Also assume that the ps2afpd daemon is running on robin, but you are logged into the AIX or Linux system named molly. To transform myfile2 into an AFP data stream, but not print it:
    ps2afp -S robin -c -o myfile2.afp BarKode.pfa myfile2

    The -c flag concatenates the two input files, with the file BarKode.pfa first, so that the two files are processed together. In this way, myfile2 uses BarKode.pfa as an inline resource.

  • To create an FS45 overlay from a one-page PostScript file named my.ps and name the FS45 overlay my.ovly, enter:
    ps2afp -a fs45.ovly -p1 my.ps -o my.ovly
  • To create an FS45 page segment from an existing PostScript file named logo.ps and name the FS45 page segment logofs45.pseg, enter:
    ps2afp -a fs45.pseg logo.ps -o logofs45.pseg
  • To transform a PostScript file into an IS/3 compliant afp output:
    ps2afp -is 3 -o output.afp input.ps
  • To transform an input file using lzw compression:
    ps2afp -cmplzw -o output.afp input.ps
  • To transform a PDF file with the APPE processor:
    ps2afp -pdfproc appe -o output.afp input.pdf