
Text can be printed in four print directions. A print direction is a combination of both inline and baseline directions. For each of the directions, characters can be printed in four rotations.

The line direction is the direction in which successive characters are added to a line of text. The four line directions are:

Text characters are placed in a line from left to right across the page.
Text characters are placed in a line from top to bottom down the page.
Text characters are placed in a line from right to left across the page.
Text characters are placed in a line from bottom to top up the page.

The baseline direction is the direction in which successive lines of text are added to a page. The four character rotations, measured clockwise around each inline direction, for each line direction are:

  • 90°
  • 180°
  • 270°
For example, the text in this paragraph is printed ACROSS the page, and its rotation is 0°.

The next figure shows the four possible directions. For information about the combinations supported by the printer you are using, refer to your printer documentation.

Baseline Direction and Inline Direction

Baseline Direction and Inline Direction