PSF Command printer

A PSF Command actual destination transforms all incoming data streams into either PCL4, PCL5, PCL5C, PCL6, or PPDS before issuing your print command. Your print command must support STDIN (standard input) for receiving data. Before creating a PSF Command actual destination, you should review the special processing considerations for jobs submitted through this type of actual destination that are described in Processing concerns when using the PCL Secondary.

Create a PSF Command printer when you need to transform incoming data streams to PCL or PPDS and the PSF Other-driver printer is not suitable. The PSF Command printer only requeues jobs, so you have no control and cannot receive accurate job status.

If the printer you are defining is not an SNMP printer, you must configure the psf-tray-characteristics attribute to specify the input tray values (paper types) that the printer supports. For more information about the paper type limitations, see the RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference.

Before creating a PSF Command printer, complete this worksheet.

Note: Before using this worksheet to create your InfoPrint Manager actual destination, you need to create the queue that you are forwarding the job to.

PSF Command printer worksheet

Wizard prompt Description Value
Name The name for the actual destination object (64-character limit).  
Server The InfoPrint server that controls this actual destination.  
Model Select the printer model from the pull-down list in the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI. If the printer you are working with is not in the pull-down list, enter the name as it appears on the printer.  
SNMP TCP/IP address The IP address for this printer. This value is used only for SNMP printers. InfoPrint Manager uses this value only to obtain printer SNMP information from the printer.
Printer command The command string used to send a job to the appropriate UNIX printer.

Note that this command must support STDIN for receiving data.

Example: lprafp -p mpcl -s ip_address
Data stream

The data stream created by PSF transforms and expected by the printing device (for example, PCL4, PCL5, PCL5C, PCL6, or PPDS).

Logical destination The logical destination that directs jobs to this actual destination.

You can accept the default LD, use another existing LD, or create a new one for this printer.

  • __ Default
  • __ Existing: ________
  • __ Create: ________
Logical destination's server The InfoPrint server that contains the logical destination.  
Queue The queue that holds jobs destined for this actual destination If you selected a new LD, you get these three options:
  • __ Default
  • __ Existing: ________
  • __ New: ________

To create this type of printer, use the Create Printer Wizard in the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI. (On the menu bar, click Printer → Create → PSF → Command.)

PSF Command printer worksheet provides the information that the wizard prompts for. See the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI online help for more assistance.

Note: If the Create PSF Command printer option is not shown in the Printer menu, you can add it to the menu using customizing options in the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI. Select the Customize option from the Options menu to open the Customize dialog. Click the Printer tab and select the Menu checkbox for PSF Command printer. Click OK to apply your change and close the dialog. The Create PSF Command printer option displays in the Printer menu.

If you did not enable the printer with the Create Printer Wizard, use the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI to enable it.