Special characters that are included in commands

When colons, dashes, the equals sign, double quotation marks, single quotation marks, and braces are shown in command syntax notation, you will include them when you issue the command in most cases. These special characters have the following meanings:

  • A colon, :, separates related values. For example:

    pdpr -f file1 -x "page-select=3:6" file2

    means that only pages 3 through 6 of file 2 are to print.

  • A dash, -, always precedes a flag, for example, -x.
  • The equals sign, =, separates attribute and value pairs. For example:

    pdmod -x "sides=2" DivSpool12:1011230045

    means that 2 is the value assigned to the sides attribute.

  • Double quotation marks, " ", surround multiple attribute and value pairs, such as:

    -x "sides=2 print-quality=draft"

    For consistency, this publication also shows double quotation marks around single attribute and value pairs in all command examples, although they are not required. For example:

    -x "document-format=ascii"

  • Double quotation marks, " ", surround text strings that contain spaces, such as:

    -m "Down for maintenance"

  • Single quotation marks, ' ', surround a text string that contains spaces inside another string that is enclosed in double quotation marks. An example is:

    -x "sides=2 job-print-after='08:00:00 10/09/98'"

  • Braces, {}, surround a value in a notification profile. An example is:

    -x "notification-profile={delivery-method=electronic-mail}"

  • Global character used in examples and shell information
    • The examples using a global character and other examples shown within the InfoPrint Manager publications relate to the Korn shell. Depending on the shell you are using, the examples shown may or may not work. The examples might also show control characters that other shells do not require. Adjust the examples as necessary for the shell you are using.
  • Examples of commands and attributes
    • This publication shows examples of commands in a format designed for ease of reading. When entering the command, allow the command to wrap characters from one line to the next.
    • Many examples in this publication use spacing of attributes and values for ease of reading and formatting considerations. When entering the attributes and their values on the command line or in attributes files, use the correct syntax.