Format of the index object file

General-use Programming Interface and Associated Guidance Information is contained in this section.

One of the optional files ACIF can produce contains indexing, offset, and size information. The purpose of this index object file is to enable applications such as archival and retrieval applications to selectively determine the location of a page group or page within the AFP data stream print file, which is based on its index (tag) values.

This example shows the general internal format of an index object file:

  IEL GroupName=G1
    TLE (INDEX1)
    TLE (INDEXn)
      IEL PageName=G1P1
        TLE (INDEX1)
        TLE (INDEXn)
      IEL PageName=G1Pn
  IEL GroupName=Gn
    TLE (INDEX1)
    TLE (INDEXn)
      IEL PageName=GnP1
        TLE (INDEX1)
        TLE (INDEXn)
      IEL PageName=GnPn

The example illustrates an index object file that contains both page-level and group-level Index Element (IEL) structured fields.