Bar Code Concatenation

The concatenated bar code function allows the user to collect bar code data from different fields and/or records to be concatenated in generating a bar code object.

For example, the hyphen in a nine-digit ZIP code, aaaaa-bbbb, is not a valid character in a POSTNET bar code. The concatenated bar code function will allow a user to specify a FIELD for the aaaaa and a FIELD for the bbbb and concatenate them together into one bar code. In the case of 2D bar codes, which can contain many bytes of data, multiple records of data can be concatenated together into one bar code.

The defining bar code fully defines a bar code, specifying any necessary placement or descriptive parameters. A defining bar code can start the collection of bar code data if it specifies a BARCODE name and the BCDSYMB keyword with a symbol name.

The continuation bar code defines bar code data that is to be added to a bar code data collection started with a defining bar code with BCDSYMB coded. This bar code uses the defining BARCODE name and BCDSYMB name but does not have the TYPE or BARCODE parameters specified because it uses the information from the defining bar code.

Bar Code Concatenation Example 1 : POSTNET 9-Digit Bar Code Split into 2 Fields

PAGEDEF BC1P  REPLACE YES;                                         
  FONT afont GT10;                                                 
  PAGEFORMAT example1;                                             
    PRINTLINE POSITION 4 in 1.5 in;                                
      FIELD START   1 LENGTH   15 POSITION 0 IN 0 IN;              
      FIELD START  16 LENGTH   20 POSITION 0 IN NEXT;              
      FIELD START  36 LENGTH   15 POSITION 0 IN NEXT;              
      FIELD START  51 LENGTH    5 POSITION 0 IN 0.70 IN            
            BARCODE zip54 TYPE POSTNET MOD 1 BCDSYMB datacoll;     
      FIELD START  57 LENGTH    4 BARCODE zip54 BCDSYMB datacoll; 

Bar Code Concatenation Example 2 : 2D Bar Code with Data Bytes across Multiple Records

PAGEDEF BC2P  REPLACE YES;                                  
  FONT afont GT10;                                          
  PAGEFORMAT example2;                                      
    PRINTLINE POSITION 1 in 1  in;                          
      FIELD START   1 LENGTH  200                           
        POSITION 1.0 IN 1.0 IN DIRECTION ACROSS             
        BCDSYMB bcd2 BCDSEQ  5;                             
    PRINTLINE REPEAT 4;                                     
        BARCODE maxil BCDSYMB bcd2 BCDSEQ 1;