clsnapshot files worksheet

PowerHA’s cluster snapshot utility records the PowerHA Object Data Manager (ODM) configuration information for both cluster topology and resources. These cluster snapshots provide an ideal means of capturing your cluster configuration for either cloning or change control purposes. Each snapshot provides both an ODM file (in the format snapshotname.odm) and a printable report (in the format that can be extended. By default, both files are stored in the /usr/sbin/cluster/snapshots/ directory, although you can use the $SNAPSHOTPATH environment variable to specify an alternate location.

Like many other Cluster Single Point of Control (C-SPOC) facility options, you can use a SMIT fastpath command (smit cm_cfg_snap_menu) to access the Cluster Snapshots panel. When creating a cluster snapshot, be sure to provide a meaningful description in the Cluster Snapshot Description field.

Cluster snapshots can be applied (smit while the cluster is running. If you decide to reconfigure the resources, any resource group configuration changes take effect immediately. You can specify yes on the Force apply if verify fails field to force a snapshot to apply, even if it has a different topology configuration than the current node. For example, if you are cloning cluster configuration across nodes and then changing the IP addresses with your adapters after the snapshot has applied, this option would be necessary.